There are two officer positions up for election! And three Board positions are available for volunteers!Please see the descriptions outlined below if you have been looking for a way to become more involved with your WAI chapter.
Please consider if your schedule permits a two-year commitment to your chapter and nominate yourself! We will train you and provide support.
President:The President of Chicago’s Leading Edge,WAI . This position includes but is not limited to the following tasks and is a two-year commitment.
- Shepherd the mission and image of CLE
- Schedule monthly meetings/activities
- Oversee all committees and special events
- Function as lead liaison with headquarters
- File all required paperwork
- Mentor a successor
Treasurer: The treasurer of CLE is a two-year commitment and you can expect to volunteer in some of the following ways:
- Support the President with monthly meetings as necessary
- Monitor all financial transactions
- Compile the annual financial statement for the membership
- Mentor a successor
Fundraising Chair-Plan and coordinate the annual fundraiser
Scholarship Chair-Manage the annual scholarships and the committee
Social Media Coordinator-Make regular posts on Facebook and Instagram for the chapter